Network Status Updates
Updates from the Support team at Etheric
(Resolved) Woodside, La Honda
(Resolved) Woodside, La Honda.
Issue: No Issues At This Time
Tower is up and running. Clients connection are back online.
(Investigating) Woodside, La Honda
Woodside, La Honda
Issue: Connection Down
Woodside, La Honda is offline
(Resolved) Watsonville, Aptos
(Resolved) Watsonville, Aptos
Issue: No Issues At This Time
Tower is offline due to highwinds. Clients connection are back online.
(Investigating) Watsonville, Aptos
Watsonville, Corralitos Ridge, Aptos offline,
Issue: Connection Down
Tower is offline due to highwinds. Clients connection are offline
(Resolved) San Carlos, Woodside
(Resolved) Woodside, Redwood City, San Carlos
Issue: No Issues At This Time
Tower is offline due to highwinds. Clients connection are back online.
(Investigating) Redwood City, Woodsite
Woodside, Redwood City, San Carlos
Issue: Connection Down
Tower is offline due to highwinds. Clients will experience down connection. Tech en route- ETR – TBD
Scheduled Maintenance
San Mateo
BS55 San Mateo – Equipment Upgrade
Start: 2024-11-22 08:00
End: 2024-11-22 16:00
11/22 8am-4pm – Customers homed on our San Mateo tower will experience brief interruptions in service or periods of slower connections while we replace the switching equipment at the tower. Work must be performed during the day due to building access constraints.
Contacting Support
Etheric Support is available 24/7 by phone at 650-980-4014 or by filling out this form.
Your IP Address
Troubleshooting Checklist
Lost Connection
- Locate your POE (Power Over Ethernet) device and confirm it has power.
- Locate your router and confirm it has power.
- Make sure all Ethernet cables are securely connected as shown:
- Outside cable to POE port.
- POE LAN port to Router (WAN or Internet port) port.
- If the problem persists, reboot the router (disconnect from the power source for 30 seconds, then reconnect)
- If still no connection – please fill out a ticket below or give us a call – a technician will be happy to assist you.
Slow Connection
- Check equipment connectivity.
- Run a speed test and note results.
- Contact us for further testing.
For real-time updates follow @EthericNetworks on Twitter.
Support Ticket