All Clear
There are no known outages at this time. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please call or submit a ticket below and a technician will review promptly.
Posted: 8/15/2022 6:04:11
There are no known outages at this time. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please call or submit a ticket below and a technician will review promptly.
Posted: 8/15/2022 6:04:11
After a power glitch at the base station, connections are back online.
Posted: 8/12/2022 17:51:41
No known outages at this time. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please call or submit a ticket below and a technician will review promptly.
Posted: 8/12/2022 12:28:10
Our engineering group was able to correct the issue. We we will continue to monitor the network but service is restored.
Posted: 8/10/2022 21:16:22
Network is experiencing a routing issue currently. Client may experience slow/intermittent internet. Engineering is investigating.
Posted: 8/10/2022 20:18:42