Routing issue
At the moment we experiencing a Routing issues affecting our Network. Network Engineering is working on it. Time 5:51 pm
Posted: 8/10/2022 19:51:50
At the moment we experiencing a Routing issues affecting our Network. Network Engineering is working on it. Time 5:51 pm
Posted: 8/10/2022 19:51:50
BS10 (Loma Prieta) had a power glitch around 3:02 pm … Engineering Investigating … Issue was resolved at 3:06 pm
Posted: 8/9/2022 17:34:02
BS10 (Loma Prieta) had a power glitch around 3:02 pm … Engineering Investigating
Posted: 8/9/2022 17:17:07
This is a test post
Posted: 8/9/2022 10:25:16
Outage affecting users on Base Station 26
Posted: 8/4/2022 9:04:58